Spanish Quarantine: Impact on Spain

Spain is feeling the pain of UK quarantine rules.

Terrorist attack: 9 killed in Hanau

Man who killed nine in Germany had far-right website and was found dead alongside his mum.

Tobias R is thought to have run a far-right website and police are treating the attack as an act of domestic terrorism

COVID-19: BioNTech founder behind coronavirus vaccine

The scientist behind the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine says people in the UK could be vaccinated against coronavirus by the middle of next month.

Speaking in his first interview with a UK broadcaster, Professor Ugur Sahin, co-founder of German firm BioNTech, said the first vaccines could be rolled out to patients nationwide mid-December.

Spanish Quarantine: No Exemption for the Balearics

Coronavirus: Bemusement and anger in Majorca over British government's COVID restrictions

Hoteliers say Majorca's infection rate is lower than the UK's and it should be treated differently from the rest of Spain.

Pregnant girls in Sierra Leone

The government in Sierra Leone bans visibly pregnant girls from attending school and taking exams, claiming the girls would set a 'bad example' for their peers.

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