The refugees on Lesbos

Over 100,000 refugees have ended up on the island of Lesbos, Greece. Hear some of their stories...

Waiting for an Apology: Belgium's Brutal Colonial Past

Belgium's King Leopold II became exorbitantly wealthy by colonising the Democratic Republic of Congo. How should the country reconcile with its brutal past?

Nepal’s bleeding shame: menstruating women banished to cowsheds

Though banned, the centuries-old custom of confining women to a cowshed during their period persists in Nepal, with damaging and even fatal results.

Badi Women (Italian)

Badi is a traditionally untouchable Hindu caste in Western Nepal - thewomen work as prostitutes, beginning in puberty and continuing until they are too old to attract customers, or get married.

Bahrain's stateless people

A riveting documentaries about the deteriorating human rights situation in Bahrain

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